Saturday, June 1, 2013

Starlooks Starbox May 2013

Have I ever mentioned how much I love Starlooks? Because it's considerable. This months box, in addition to being adorable, included a brow shading kit, a pigment luster and a cream blush.

The brow shader kit includes four colors, a mini brow brush and a tiny mirror, perfect for home or travel. I already have no idea how I ever got along without this. It's incredibly easy to use, and the colors can do double duty as eyeshadows. The case doesn't seem to snap completely closed on mine, although it does hold securely. Sometimes Starlooks packaging does seem a bit chintzy to me, such as logos wearing off the lipsticks, a cracked lipgloss cap, the lash primer cap popping off. The actual products/formulas seem very high quality though, and none of the cosmetic (lol, see what I did there) issues with the packaging seem to effect usability. The full retail of this kit is $21, which I think is a great deal and I would repurchase.

The pigment luster in Cinnamon Toss is a very pretty color, although I find this sort of loose pigment difficult to work with (messy). Retail is $17, which seems a bit steep. I am guessing this type of product is more for the pros, as mixing seems like it would be easy, fun and useful.

The Cream Blusher is a stunner, and also $17. Starlooks has renamed all of their products with the launch of their new website. I am not positive, but it looks like this may be the current color Merlot. As a lip color it held up amazingly well, over four hours, and then I had to go to bed, lol! It also sheers down to the loveliest blush in the universe. LOVE it.

Please excuse my miserable selfie skills, I don't look like a space alien in person. Here is what everything looks like, blush on the cheeks and lips, brow kit on brows and eyelids, pigment luster as an eyeliner:

And my unboxing for a closer look at the products.  Oh!  And there was a mini nail file.  Last seen with suspect: 4 years old, ~1' tall. Talks loudly and often in unintelligible language.  Suspect described as having short fur, stripes and spots.

So - Starlooks is awesome, $15/mo+ shipping.  Best suited to people who like to try new products and are not afraid of variety, but want specifically good quality makeup from a subscription service (instead of skin and hair care).

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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