Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ipsy December 2012

In addition to Birchbox, Ipsy was delivered yesterday.  This month they have a rather spectacular anniversary bag filled with really usable products.  It includes items from my two favorite brands, Urban Decay and NYX.

The bag has a bit of a barrel shape, which is a nice change of pace. The picture came out a bit dark, but it is a nice, shiny grey.

1. Might as well mention the epic item right off the bat, this bag contained an Urban Decay travel size 24/7 liner in zero.  I have really wanted one of these for a long time, but the regular full size retail is around $19.  For eyeliner.  Really. I did try it out, and it glides right on like a dream and sets quickly.

2. I also tried the NYX ultra pearl mania powder in sky pink pearl.  This is a beautiful color, and when I managed to get it all over my table I had to admit it the table had never looked better.  Unfortunately it is much to messy for me to use on a regular basis.

3. The Mirabella Primer is a full size product, with a $29 value.  I am really excited about trying it out.  I have used it... On my arm. I will need to maybe put it on my actual face before I form an opinion.

4. The Bombshell lip gloss in Hot Mess is a fantastic color - not nearly as scary red as it looks in the tube.  It wears very well throughout the day.  I reapplied once after lunch.  By the end of the day I  did notice slight feathering, but nothing noticeable without extreme scrutiny.

5. And that brings me to... The weird highlighter papers.  They are weird.  Fun though!  And there is a little diagram on where to use them in the back of the booklet.  Apparently, cleavage highlighting is a thing now.  Who knew?   The color (St. Barts) is a bit orange on my pasty skin, but it will make for a nice blush, especially in the summer with bit more color in my face.

In conclusion, unusually amazing bag!  It is special though, I wouldn't use this bag as the bar to set my expectations too. 

Edited to mention - Ipsy is $10/month, including shipping.  You can sign up at


  1. The pearl powder looks so cool! And that bag is pretty awesome too :), great take this month!

  2. Thank you! I really enjoyed this months bag =)
